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Coping with GLP-1 Side Effects: Tips for Relief

Semaglutide, the active ingredient in Wegovy injections, can sometimes bring about initial side effects. While you can’t predict how you’ll react to the medication until you try it, there’s good news! Even if you encounter these Semaglutide side effects, there are often remedies and medications to ease them.

We believe in providing comprehensive support to help you achieve your weight management goals, and at, addressing side effects is a part of the support we offer. If you’re wondering how to alleviate side effects, keep reading to learn what you can do.

Do Semaglutide Side Effects Go Away?

Most individuals who experience side effects with Semaglutide find that they diminish within a few weeks as their bodies become accustomed to the medication. To minimize side effects, you’ll begin with a low dose of Semaglutide and gradually increase it to a therapeutic dose. However, some people may still experience discomfort initially.

Getting Rid of Semaglutide Side Effects

If you’re still struggling with side effects even after reaching the therapeutic dose, consider speaking to your prescriber. They may suggest supporting treatments or temporarily reducing your dose until the side effects subside. It’s essential to remember that for most people, these side effects aren’t permanent, and you should start feeling better as the weeks go on.

How Long Does It Take to Get Used to Semaglutide?

The time it takes to become accustomed to Semaglutide varies from person to person. While some may never experience adverse effects, others may not tolerate the medication and may need an alternative. We generally recommend giving it a few weeks after starting the therapeutic dose (1.0mg weekly for Semaglutide injections) to see if the side effects resolve. If not, contact your prescriber to explore your options.

What Are the Side Effects of Semaglutide?


Semaglutide primarily affects the bowels and gut due to its mechanism of action. It slows down the digestive process, which can lead to gastrointestinal side effects. Some of the most common side effects of Semaglutide include:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Indigestion
  • Acid reflux
  • Heartburn
  • Constipation
  • Bloating
  • Gas
  • Stomach cramps

Fortunately, most of these side effects tend to fade within a few weeks of starting the medication. They are also generally manageable while your body adjusts to Semaglutide.

Nausea and Vomiting Nausea and vomiting are common side effects when starting new medications. To alleviate these sensations, you can try using ginger, such as ginger tea, cordials, or ginger beer, which many people find helpful. Eating smaller, more frequent meals and avoiding long periods of fasting can also reduce the likelihood of feeling sick. If home remedies don’t work, consult your  prescriber for supportive treatments like Pepto Bismol or Buccastem.

Diarrhea Bowel issues related to Semaglutide usually resolve within a few weeks. In the meantime, increasing your soluble fiber intake can help absorb excess water and bulk up your stools. Be cautious not to overconsume fiber, as it can worsen diarrhea. If you experience significant fluid loss, oral rehydration sachets may be necessary to replenish lost minerals. Loperamide, a medicine that slows down the movement of food through the gut, can also help.

Acid Reflux, Indigestion, and Heartburn These conditions, while different, share similar symptoms and can often be treated similarly. Elevating the head of your bed slightly can reduce nighttime heartburn. Eating smaller portions, grazing throughout the day, or avoiding large meals can help manage symptoms during the day. If these measures don’t suffice, contact your prescriber for antacids, Omeprazole, or Lansoprazole.

Constipation Semaglutide’s impact on the digestive process can lead to constipation. To alleviate this, consume more insoluble fiber found in fruits and vegetables and increase water intake to soften stools. If this doesn’t help, contact your prescriber for laxatives or other suitable treatments.

Bloating, Gas, and Stomach Cramps While these side effects differ, they can often be managed similarly. Eating smaller, more frequent meals, taking your time while eating and drinking, and engaging in physical activity can help relieve gas. If home methods prove ineffective, contact your prescriber for medications to ease symptoms.

In conclusion, while starting Semaglutide may cause initial discomfort, it’s crucial to remember that these side effects are generally temporary, and most people start to feel better as their bodies adapt to the medication. If you find side effects challenging to manage, don’t hesitate to contact your prescriber for supportive treatments tailored to your needs. Your well-being is our priority, and we’re here to support you on your weight management journey.

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